I created this audio file to make sure that you're able to get a quick-to-digest rundown that might save 20+ minutes from our time together.
It's not to say that I'm not willing to talk about anything that I cover here; I won't take offense if you bring any of this up, but just understand that I've told these stories in one way or another to my audience numerous times, and I'd prefer to either "dive deeper" on any of these points or avoid repeating myself.
However, I know that I personally get a lot of value from learning about people's backgrounds, so this can be a quick way for you to learn about mine, all in one place, without having to piece together or dig to find this information in previous interviews I've done.
I hope this helps 😁 Please enjoy a quick summary of the past ~10 years of Justin Khanna's career, projects, and work life. Listen on 1.5x-2x speed if desired to quickly get some background info!